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Why Take Lessons?

Does it ever “hurt” when you sing or speak? Do you ever feel pain or get tired after singing/speaking? Do you ever get hoarse?

Do you feel like you know what you want to express but can’t always do so due to limitations vocally?

Would you like to be able to sing with confidence and be in control of your singing rather than feel victim to whatever comes out?

When the voice is used correctly, there should be no pain, pulling, burning or strain of any kind in the throat. These are all signs of potential misuse of your voice and should be addressed.  Not only is it important to have proper vocal technique to sing well, it is essential to prevent serious, even permanent vocal problems.

The vocal chords are composed of delicate folds of tissue that close and vibrate to create sound. Misuse and over use of the vocal chords can lead to chronic problems and ultimately can lead to vocal lesions such as nodules, polyps, and cysts. A singer who develops a vocal injury must change the habits that caused the injury in order to maintain a healthy technique. Sometimes surgery is recommended however should be the last resort and even with surgery, the disorder will persist until the singer develops new vocal habits to replace the old habits.
